A New Chapter

I was having coffee with Connie when she told me of a boy in her neighborhood knocking on her door to ask for advice on coming out to his parents. He knocked on her door because she has a rainbow windsock hanging on her porch – enough of a sign to give him the courage to talk to strangers.

Connie started looking for what resources were available to support LGBTQ+ folks and their families in our community. Lots of resources seemed available in our neighboring counties, but not here at home. We started looking into it more and found what a wonderful resource PFLAG is, a national support group, originally for Parents and Friends of Lebsians and Gays.

So we decided to start a chapter here in our hometown, Bowie, Maryland. There is a bit of paperwork and orientation meetings to go through, but we found lots of support for the idea! Our goal is to be ready for support meetings open to the public by September 2023. Check back with us we we get our feet underneath us and ready to go!



